A woman with moist eyes is camed, that eye filled with deep passion.
I am inspirated from the woman, and my mind of heart level is maximam stage in a very little while..
My heart color is change in a very little while, unexpectedly.
It is special wonder phenominon for me...
I met her only one times, that time is a few minites...
Highest inspiration is coming...
I am fasinating my soul...deeply...unbeleable...
I was inspirated and burn my passion maximam
from a young woman, in an instant, unexpectedly,
without each age, position, status, hieralhee and thinking...
There is not a love emotion to her in before the special moment...
Her visual is not my favolite...
No reason is there...
2024-02-12 00:34:17
like a Standal's novel "Red and Black"...
Out of control my deep mind...
Was that an illusion?...
Shakespeare would forgive me...
In a world of fantasy.
I wondering the anser of my deep passion, what is that basicly?...
I never understand the reason for my hottest heart and highest passion...
Unbeleable, that young woman's eye was filled with magic liquids, which liquids were not tears.
Not a sexial love, but a deep universal love.
Over the mother's love...
In human basic platonic unconditional love...over sexuality...
I call that love "BasicLove", no need pair time and space,
I need only the memory of that moment.
Real pair time and space will that levels of love smaller...
I didn't know that fact after the miracle day, I have already met that woman three years ago.
However, I didn't feel the same passion then.
I believe that as the years have passed, she has grown.
A crane grown up into the beautiful woman Tsuu in three years, and she weaving soft silk.
Her grows is a miracle woven by time.
Within just ten minutes. the bond between the woman Tsuu and me transcends human ultimate love,
feeling a deeper link than that of true parent and child.
It's enough just to gaze into each other's eyes.
A mysterious love that makes me think nothing more is needed.
I felt this type of love for the firest time.
Perhaps, I feld a new type love called"BasicLove" to the woman having moist and reflecting light in her eyes in one miracle moment.
It's difficult to express this "Basiclove".
I feel that I want to watch over her at her in this "Basiclove" forever.
I feel that I want to keep gazing at her in this "Basiclove" forever.